
all my thoughts, wishes, intentions and reklamos are freely floating here.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Im on my way home, and its raining. and that made me here at SB near us. haha. so here i am, on my favorite spot holding my book. :)
yes.. i am reading a book. haha!!burger??? haha mamilong i know you're reacting hahaha!!  its so unusual that i got into it but i really am enjoying this piece.:) here's the book. 

it is SUBTLE, yet it's MOVING!!
Meet Christopher Boone, a 15 year old boy living in Swindon with Asperger’s syndrome. This book is being described as a murder mystery novel with a "difference." He is a bit weird, though, the character will kick up your empathy. it will really take the reader into the chaos of autism and creates a character of such empathy that many readers will begin to feel for the first time what it is like to live a life in which there are no filters to eliminate or order the millions of pieces of information that come to us through our senses every instant of the day. For the autistic person, most stimuli register with equal impact, and because these little pieces of information cannot usually be processed effectively, life becomes a very confusing mess of constantly competing signals.


"My memory is like a film….And when people ask me to remember something I can simply press Rewind and Fast Forward and Pause like on a video recorder….If someone says to me, 'Christopher, tell me what your mother was like,' I can rewind to lots of different scenes and say what she was like in those scenes."

"When I am in a new place, because I see everything, it is like when a computer is doing too many things at the same time and the central processor unit is blocked up and there isn't any space left to think about other things….And sometimes when I am in a new place and there are lots of people there it is like a computer crashing and I have to close my eyes and put my hands over my ears and groan, which is like pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL and shutting down programs and turning the computer off and rebooting so that I can remember what I am doing and where I am meant to be going."

"Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away. I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them."
"The word metaphor means carrying something from one place to another…and it is when you describe something by using a word for something that it isn't. This means that the word metaphor is a metaphor. I think it should be called a lie because a pig is not like day and people don't have skeletons in their cupboards."
"Mother used to say that Christopher was a nice name because it was a story about being kind and helpful, but I do not want my name to mean a story…I want my name to mean me."
"...there aren't any lines in space, so you could join bits of Orion to bits of Lepus* or Taurus or Gemini and say that they were a constellation called The Bunch of Grapes or Jesus or The Bicycle...And anyway, Orion is not a hunter or a coffee maker or a dinosaur. It is just Betelguese and Bellatrix and Alnilam and Rigel an 17 other stars I don't know the names of. And they are nuclear explosions billions of miles away. And that is the truth."

"All the other children at my school are stupid. Except I'm not meant to call them stupid, even though this is what they are." 

"...people who believe in God think God has put human beings on earth because they think human beings are the best animal, but human beings are just an animal and they will evolve into another animal, and that animal will be cleverer and it will put human beings into a zoo, like we put chimpanzees and gorillas into a zoo. Or human beings will all catch a disease and die out or they will make too much pollution and kill themselves, and then there will only be insects in the world and they will be the best animal." 

"And then I thought that I had to be like Sherlock Holmes and I had to detach my mind at will to a remarkable degree so that I did not notice how much it was hurting inside my head." 

"...and there was nothing to do except to wait and to hurt." 

"I think people believe in heaven because they don't like the idea of dying, because they want to carry on living and they don't like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish." 

Eventually scientists will discover something that explains ghosts, just like they discovered electricity, which explained lightning, and it might be something about people's brains, or something about the earth's magnetic field, or it might be some new force altogether. And then ghosts won't be mysteries. They will be like electricity and rainbows and nonstick frying pans." 

"I do not tell lies. Mother used to say that this was because I was a good person. But it is not because I am a good person. It is because I do not tell lie." 

"And Father said, "Christopher, do you understand that I love you?"
And I said "Yes," because loving someone is helping them when they get into trouble, and looking after them, and telling them the truth, and Father looks after me when I get into trouble, like coming to the police station, and he looks after me by cooking meals for me, and he always tells me the truth, which means that he loves me." 

"And when the universe has finished exploding all the stars will slow down, like a ball that has been thrown into the air, and they will come to a halt and they will all begin to fall towards the centre of the universe again. And then there will be nothing to stop us seeing all the stars in the world because they will all be moving towards us, gradually faster and faster, and we will know that the world is going to end soon because when we look up into the sky at night there will be no darkness, just the blazing light of billions and billions of stars, all falling." 

"...and I wrote a book and that means I can do anything"